Conflicting reports have some local school officials wondering if recent creepy clown sightings are fact or fiction. Students have claimed the costume-clad characters made an appearance at one Altona school.

Border Land School Division Superintendent Krista Curry says however, details of what happened changed as students were questioned and officials are trying to find out if there was any truth to the reports.

"At this point we have very conflicting stories from children and nothing consistent that indicates there were clowns riding by."

Regardless, the incident - whether real or made up - has left parents and kids fearful.

Curry explains as more details of the alleged incident come to light, that information will be shared with the public.

The creepy clown craze emerged in the U.S. this summer after reports of clowns trying to lure children into the woods. Since then, sightings have spread into Canada and even as far as Europe with reports of the characters pulling pranks and stunts to scare the general public.

Calls regarding the clowns have been flooding in to authorities around the globe and people are being encouraged to not join in the craze.