Garden Valley Collegiate is once again helping their students showcase their technical vocational talents through the GVC Skillz Competition.

There were seven areas including things like graphic design, Minecraft, business, clothing and design, and food.

"This is our third time running the program and also the competition has been growing. We started out year one with 44 students and we've grown now to 75 students in the competition, and so we consider that a win-win with student engagement," says Rhonda Kezema, one of the teachers overseeing the activities.

This year the winners will not be announced right away, but at an assembly later in the month where every student at the school can celebrate together.

"We really as a whole department enjoy being together and working together, and this is a good time for all of us to bring our different specialties together for one day," says Kezema.

Rhonda Kezema is one of the teachers in charge of the GVC Skillz Competition.

Nathan Lepp took part in the business competition where he was assigned a food truck from Winnipeg that is the home of the original pizza pop.

"Basically we're given a business and we're supposed to re-brand it, so make a new logo and make advertisements and promotional campaigns. Just give the whole business a makeover," he says.

Chloe Neufeld was putting her eye to the test for the photography challenge.

"We get to make two ads for the new bowling lanes and we also get to make a collage of pictures featuring all of their activities there . . . We're allowed to use our own style and I've kind of made a style that I like. I'm not sure if I'm going to use it though, it's black and white. I really like that but because there are lots of colourful lights there I think I'm going to keep the colour going."

The Minecraft challenge involved problem-solving. The scenario they were given had someone crash landing on a beach, and crafters had to build more elements into the story as well as build the physical setting.

Overall, the students had a great time sharing their skillz with each other and showcasing their passions.