City of Morden crews will be by next week to pick up your branches and other yard waste as part of its annual spring cleanup. 
Director of Operations, Tim Reimer, asks that items like grass clippings and leaves be packaged in brown compostable bags, and branches and twigs be tied into manageable bundles.

"We do not pick up if it is in any other non-compostable bags," he noted. 

Any other compostable items beyond yard waste, Reimer asks that they be disposed of in your regular green compost cart. 

What won't crews be picking up?

Reimer says that list involves items that are not accepted at the City's compost site, located on Wilcox Road. That's everything from household waste, processed lumber, rocks and concrete, mattresses, couches and televisions.

Morden's spring cleanup is happening May 7th, 8th and 10th. However, Reimer says residents are free to drop off their compostable items at the municipal site any day of the year.

Compost collection site

With files from Robyn Wiebe.