It’s the news Manitoba Sunflower Festival (MSF) Pageant supporters have been waiting for, and we’re so excited to share it with you this morning on CFAM Radio 950. The 2020 MSF pageant is a go, and nine young women will be competing in a pageant that will look a lot different than usual... but most importantly... is actually happening! Ann Friesen is part of the Pageant Committee, and chatted with Morning Show Co-Host Chris Sumner about the decision to move forward, and how exciting that is for the girls, Altona and the surrounding area.



Ann Friesen with the Manitoba Sunflower Festival Pageant Committee sharing the early details of the 2020 pageant that is happening the weekend of July 24th and 25th. Final details are still being worked out regarding the Saturday Fashion Show and Crowning, but what we can tell you is CFAM Radio 950 is proud to once again host and MC the event. As we get closer to the date, we’ll be sure to share more with you.


Related Article: Megan Fehr Crowned 2019 Manitoba Sunflower Festival Queen