The popularity of the community garden in Altona continues to push organizers to expand the open field for the second year in a row.

In 2019 the garden went from 57 plots to a total of 90 which were quickly filled by spring. This year the Altona Community Action Network plans to extend the boundary of the garden even further to accommodate 120 plots.

"That's our goal, but only if we can fix a drainage problem in the northeast corner of the garden," said ACAN spokesman Jack Hoeppner. "We're hoping to get that fixed this spring and the town is taking the initiative on that project. We will be contributing some money toward that work and if they're able to fix that situation by the middle of May, then we should be able to sell 120 plots."

The drainage situation became an issue during heavy rains in September last year when several plots were drowned out in the northeast corner.

"There is a hollow in that area and the plan is to create a ditch on the north side of the garden which will flow westward to a major drain on the west side of the garden. That dirt will then be used to fill that hollow," said Hoeppner."

Demand for the creation of more garden plots is coming from both newcomers in Altona and long time residents who are opting for something better than the gardens they have on their yards.

"For some people, they have big trees on their yards and they really can't get their plants to grow ... so some people are abandoning their gardens at home where they can't grow stuff and looking for a spot in the community garden. That's one area where demand is coming from."

Hoeppner said they added 30 plots to the garden and had no problem filling those spots and he expects the same thing will happen this year if they're able to expand by another 30 plots. "I think we can fill 120 quite easily."