Margaret Popplestone, President of the BTHC Auxiliary, joined us on the morning show to invite you to their fundraiser on May 25th.

You can expect a delicious spread for lunch, all sorts of baked goods at the sale, and there's even a chance to win one of three raffle prizes. The prize packs are titled "A Tooth Fairy's Dream," "Holiday Travels," and "Summer Entertainment."

Margaret also mentioned that a lot of what they do wouldn't be possible without the help of volunteers.

"We have many volunteers that help, like the gift shop at the hospital is run by volunteers. We have 4 committee members that organize the gift shop but it is run by volunteers.  I believe that we have about 30-35 volunteers there, we can always use more."

There's not one specific project or item that the money from the sale is going towards but they'll find out soon.

"We have just committed $50,000 to the hospital and they are working on getting their equipment needs lined up and then they'll let us know what the money will be going towards."

For full details on the luncheon and bake sale you can check out the event poster below!
