As budget planning season gets into full swing with municipal councils across the province, high inflation and the cost of borrowing money will weigh heavily on many of them. That includes the R.M. of Morris as its council crunches the numbers and examines the needs of the municipality.

"The costs of borrowing money are there," said R.M. of Morris Reeve Scott Siemens. "And the cost of doing business, everything that we do has definitely gone up in price. So it's not necessarily to make an excuse, but we are aware of things, and we will try to do the best we can with the dollars that we feel we need."

Recently completing the renovation and expansion of the Sperling Fire Hall, the R.M. is looking to other structures in the municipality that need attention. Siemens says that is on the agenda as Council deliberates the 2024 budget. He said the Lowe Farm Fire Hall is also in need of some TLC, and that's something that will be on the table for discussion.

"We are going to spend a day and 1/2 in the middle of next week here in Morris going over our capital budget, and hopefully even our working budget and see where we can find the savings and that sort of thing, along with keeping those services rolling and the various wish lists that have come up and find out how we can work things in."

Siemens said Council is looking forward to getting to know their new CAO better, and strategizing so they can get on the same page as quickly as possible. 

~ With files from Chris Sumner ~