Residents and business owners in the St. Malo area say they are tired of frequent electrical outages. De Salaberry reeve Ron Musick says Manitoba Hydro's 66 kilovolt line from Letellier has been subject to frequent breakdowns in the past 5 years. He adds the outages have become quite an irritant.



Reeve Musick notes it's also a safety issue because St. Malo's large senior's home, Chalet Malouin, requires a dependable source of electricity.

He says it's their understanding that Manitoba Hydro has been planning for the last decade to develop a new substation at Grunthal with a 230 kilovolt line. De Salaberry council has passed a resolution to lobby the provincial government and Manitoba Hydro to expedite development of that substation and to make sure the St. Malo area is connected to it.

~ Friday, July 23rd 2010 ~