Months of blood, sweat, and tears have paid off for the 23 graduates from the Morden Adult Education Centre who will receive their Mature Student Diploma today (June 25th).

Jennifer Richards wanted to complete her grade twelve, feeling that, as a mom with a young daughter, the opportunity would never come. However, she says the daycare at the Morden Adult Education Centre was a game-changer.

Richards is also this year's valedictorian, and says receiving a Mature Student Diploma is within everyone's reach.

"Anybody can do it. It's possible, and it's a very good experience."

Kelly Vipond, Director of Morden Adult Education Centre, explains not completing grade 12 can often make a person feel like they have unfinished business.

"It's like that Lewin's principle they talk about in psychology, from a distance it looks like treasure, when you get up close it sort of looks like a dragon. Sometimes you need to slay the dragon, and the treasure is right there."

Vipond notes that as people become more engaged and participate in the classroom, they become more successful. One example, she says, was the group of driven women who took Intro to Applied Calculus 20S and Applied Math 40S as a group, taking on the challenge together. This was the first year that these courses had been done as a group instead of an independent course.

"It made it much easier," says Richards. " I don't think I would have done it independently."

Going through school full-time to get a grade 12 is a real feat says Vipond, adding it can be a struggle for people trying to balance looking after a family and working part-time or full-time while going to school.

A highlight for her each year says Vipond is seeing the students lean on each other to lift each other up.

Richards isn't sure what the future holds, but said she intends to take more classes that will hopefully lead to a career in nursing.