To better fit the current realities of abuse victims in Canada, Genesis House has changed its logo. 

Sophie Gerbrandt is the Resource and Community Coordinator with the Winkler-based shelter, and she says this better reflects the current climate. 

“Unfortunately, there are new statistics that have come out that the numbers [of abuse victims] are closer to one in three, so, our new logo has three people, and the one in the middle is broken.” 

Gerbrandt says they have also adjusted the way the people look in the logo to represent they don't only serve women, but also children and men, regardless of background, race or sexual orientation. 

They also changed their tag line from “Genesis House, shelter for abused women and children” to “Genesis House, empowering survivors of abuse.” 

“When we have clients come in, it's not our job to fix the situation for them. It's our job to lift them up, and to help them to heal and find their own voice. Again, that's often what we see in these victims of abuse is their voice and their power has been stripped away.” 

Gerbrandt says the person in the middle of the logo represents one who is broken.

“They are surrounded by two people, and we like to call it a hug underneath, that's wrapping them up.” 

Sophie GerbrandtSophie Gerbrandt, Resource and Community Coordinator, Genesis House

It’s important to bring this subject into the light, says Gerbrandt.

“Domestic violence [and] intimate partner violence is something that thrives in silence, so, the more we talk about it and support one another... [the more] it brings power to the victim, and it decreases power of the abuser. We hope this logo shows people there is a place where they can access support, and that we are always open."

Click below to hear the whole interview with Connie Bailey.