The reeve for the R.M. of Morris commends the Province for supporting municipal flood preparations this spring.

Under the Manitoba government's $3 million Flood Protection Program announced this week, municipalities can be reimbursed for up to 100 percent of approved flood preparedness or resiliency projects and equipment costs. Maximum funding available for each municipality will be based on the total value of all approved projects, up to $150,000 for each proposal.

"The R.M. of Morris certainly deals with the challenge of flood events almost every year and we're always talking and preparing for the possibility of an event, so this announcement is very welcome and we will be pleased to take advantage of the opportunity given to us," said Ralph Groening.

As the spring thaw draws closer and with a significant flood risk forecast for the U.S. Red River Valley, flood preparations are underway in the municipality.

"We are watching the American forecast with a great deal of interest. We know that they've seen a lot of snow, a lot more than we did," explained Groening.

According to the reeve, officials have zeroed in on two priority areas of flood-proofing in the R.M. of Morris. They are to maintain access in and out of Riverside, and ensuring uninterrupted business operations in Rosenort.

"I think the Province of Manitoba deserves credit for being proactive, looking ahead and providing this level of support for municipalities so that we can take some modest actions that may help minimize the impact of a major flood event," added Groening.

According to information released by the Government of Manitoba, proposals will be reviewed by a panel made up of representatives from the Association of Manitoba Municipalities, Winnipeg Metropolitan Region and the province which will consider factors including flood risk, ability of the proposal to enhance emergency preparedness or resilience for future flood events, as well as potential regional benefits.

Proposals must be submitted by February 28.