The regional representative for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank says returns from the fields they've harvested so far this year have been good. Of the 33 growing projects, Gordon Janzen says they're two-thirds of the way through harvesting. 

"We've had good crops, good yield and it's not the highest or the biggest bumper crop, but I think it seems like the prices of a lot of the crops and the commodities are good. So, we're hoping for a pretty good year from the growing projects that are supporting us. And the growing project base is important for us in the Foodgrains Bank." 

Janzen says the member agencies that make up the Foodgrains Bank will receive the donations and use them in their food programs abroad. "We've had numerous crises of food related crises, and this will make a big difference." 

On Tuesday, Janzen noted the Foodgrains Bank had a good group of people pulling off 150 acres of wheat just north of Arborg. 

 Meanwhile, Janzen noted there are still some projects where a lot of the crop is still green. Janzen said there are still projects in the southern parts of the province to come off the field, including a few around the Morden and Altona areas. 

He said that's likely a result of the late seeding, which is having an impact on the harvest, stretching it out later than normal.