A map of Altona's industrial park - Image courtesy town of AltonaIt appears some action is being taken on expanding Altona's industrial park situation.

The park is running low on available lots for sale and discussions on expanding the area has been ongoing for several years.

Altona Community Development Corporation has hired Landmark Planning & Design to provide some direction on the issue and come up with a conceptual layout for a future industrial park

"That would assist the town in developing a plan on how we would expand that park," said Altona CAO Dan Gagne.

According to Gagne, there is a fair amount of open land in the old industrial park, but it's all spoken for.

"We are running out of lots that would be available for sale. Council just wanted to make sure that we took a good look at a development plan for future industrial park land, do it responsibly and not outstrip the supply of financial resources required to expand the industrial park."

The design project is expected to be finished by the end of June.