Kam Blight has been acclaimed to another term as President of Manitoba's municipal lobby group.
Blight, Reeve for the R.M. of Portage, was acclaimed to the post at the Association of Manitoba Municipalities' 24th annual convention this week. 

"Representing Manitoba’s 137 municipalities is a great responsibility and I do not take it lightly,” stated President Blight in a news release. “I am truly honoured to lead this strong organization with the support of municipal officials from across the province. I look forward to further strengthening our existing partnerships and forging new ones over the next two years.”
Councillor Kathy Valentino from the City of Thompson and Reeve Brad Saluk from the RM of Brokenhead were also elected as Vice-President to round out the new AMM Executive team. 
"Both Kathy and Brad are passionate and dedicated municipal leaders," added President Blight. "We are excited to get to work and serve all AMM members, while advocating for new resources and policy changes to support municipalities throughout Manitoba."