The Love Well Women's Drop-in Centre in Altona has found a new home, for now. 
As we reported at the start of February, the founders of the centre were on the hunt for a new space by the end of that month. Gaetene Reimer and Robyn Sierks say the Altona Bergthaler Church stepped forward with an offer to temporarily use its youth building. 

"We're very thankful for this opportunity," said Sierks, adding not only are they grateful this came up, but so are the ladies who access the drop-in. "Now we don't have to shut down, we can just continue the momentum that's going. All of the women seem to be really, really excited to start this new journey."

The move, however, does mean a few changes to how the centre will operate of the time-being. It is now open from 1 p.m.- 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. on Thursdays, and on Fridays from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sierks was quick to note their regular Wednesday evening Craft Cafe will now happen on Thursday evenings. During these hours, the Centre has access to the entire building. 

"We've got a beautiful couch/seating area and a table and chairs/bar area," described Reimer, noting this space will provide new opportunities for women to connect with each other. "They've also opened up a games room for us to use, so we've got ping pong, air hockey, billiards. So, if women want to come and play some games and talk, it's great for that."

Meantime, the hunt continues for a permanent home, but Reimer says they're going to take break for a few months and take a chance to breathe before resuming the search around summertime. The hope remains that the eventual new location will accommodate the centre's growing program and a vision to add services.

Visit the centre's social media page to stay up to date with what's happening at the drop-in.