On June 14, 2024, the skies above Morden Airport were filled with excitement and the buzz of airplane engines as the Morden Flying Club hosted its highly anticipated Young Aviators Event. This special occasion, open to local youth aged 12 to 16, provided 60 young enthusiasts with the unforgettable opportunity to experience flight.

"To see the excitement of the kids that have already been here is awesome... just to give them a taste of it a little bit and see what the results were and we've kind of been blown away with the numbers," said Reynold Hildebrand, Club Member.

Registration for the event required pre-registration, ensuring that all participants could secure their spots. The overwhelming interest in the event highlighted the community's eagerness for aviation.

From 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm, experienced local pilots volunteered their time and skills to introduce the next generation to the amazement of flight. Each Young Aviator received a flight briefing beforehand, and parental consent was required on-site to ensure safety. 

"I thought it would be a really neat opportunity for him [nephew] to go up in a plane as well... I think it's an amazing experience. I don't think a lot of people get the opportunity to go up, so it's a neat event," said attendee Alex Harder.

Families gathered to watch the flights and enjoy BBQ hotdog meals, which were complimentary for the young participants and available for purchase for others.

The Young Aviators Event wasn't just about the thrill of flying; it was to create a deeper appreciation for aviation. By sharing their passion, the pilots hoped to inspire some of these young participants to pursue aviation careers or develop a lifelong love for flying.

"As a club, we were talking about it a few weeks ago... what got us interested in flying, and it was that first ride. We thought, we can maybe be a catalyst or help in some way for these dreams to come to life," said Richard Falk, President of Morden's Flying Club.

Falk shared what fueled his passion for aviation: "My uncle was a pilot, and he would fly into Manitoba every summer for a visit. I was maybe nine years old, and I had my first ride in his airplane and I thought, 'Wow, this perspective is so different and beautiful.'"

Adding to the excitement, participants could enter a draw for two extraordinary flights: one in a Nanchang military trainer and the other in an award-winning Murphy Renegade bi-plane. These once-in-a-lifetime experiences aimed to leave a lasting impression and perhaps ignite a future filled with aviation adventures.