Left to right Jonathan Nickel Grade 3 Home School Student, Constable Adam Hiebert, Alyssa Vandespiegle Grade 2 Student Maple Leaf School, Kimberly Wiebe Grade 5 Home School Student


Morden's first police pup has a name, and a fitting one at that. Morden Police Service had been running a name the puppy contest for the first member of its K9 unit, a female Belgian Malinois.

Chief Brad Neduzak tells us they received a good number of entries, and it was quite clear a lot of thought was put into the names submitted. The winning name is Chase, and was submitted by three students; Alyssa Vandespiegle a grade two student from Maple Leaf School, Kimberly Wiebe a grade 5 home school student, and Jonathan Nickel a grade 3 home school student.

Neduzak says Constable Adam Hiebert, who will be Chase's main handler, had a big part in picking the name which is very important, since he will be spending the most time with her.

All three winners were presented with a picture of Chase along with their names engraved on a plaque as a keepsake. They will also be spending an afternoon with Chase and Cst. Hiebert. Neduzak would like to thank all of the students who took the time to submit a name.