The first session of the 43rd Manitoba Government opened this week with the first Speech from the Throne from Manitoba's new Premier Wab Kinew and his NDP government. The speech was delivered by Lt. Governor the Honourable Anita Neville.  

Also new to the role as MLA for Morden-Winkler, Carrie Hiebert attended her first throne speech as a sitting Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA).  

"It was quite an honour to walk into the chamber. My son Colton was there on the floor with me. I had guests up in the gallery, as well. I just really appreciate, and am honoured, to be able to represent our community of Morden-Winkler in that place."  

Hiebert with Winkler Mayor Henry Siemens and his daughter.Hiebert with Winkler Mayor Henry Siemens and his daughter.

In the gallery, Winkler Mayor Henry Siemens was in attendance with his daughter.

Hiebert gave her reaction to the speech. 

"In the throne speech, they did mention quite a few things. There were no commitments, as much, as mentioning the things they wanted to work on and happen. I do want to say I will continue to work hard to make sure we do have the different services, and different promises they're making, to hold them account for what they are saying in the Throne Speech, as an MLA and as a representative of Morden-Winkler." 

She noted, some things were not new.

"A lot of the things they did mention in there have already been done, or already budgeted by the previous PC government. Good to see they're going to continue, hopefully, doing the things we already have done. So, that's always a positive." 

She gave some examples. 

"We did, in the past, commit to housing, to increasing our mental health supports. Those are all things we have done already, and the 24/7 shelter support as well, something they have mentioned, and also we have already implemented in the past. So, I'm glad to seethey're going to continue those things."   

Hiebert with her PC colleagues in the MB LegislatureHiebert with her PC colleagues in the MB Legislature

Although she would have liked to see a stronger commitment to things that would directly benefit the Morden-Winkler riding, she did make this commitment for herself.  

"I'm just really excited to get to work, working together with the government that we have, as opposition, I think it's important for us all to work together to achieve the goals that we want. We all have the same goal of doing the best we can for our province and for our communities and I'm looking forward to working towards that goal." 

Click here to hear the 43rd Speech from the Throne. (link: )