File photo of Morris bridge during 2009 flood


About 200 people turned out for an information meeting in Morris last night to hear what the Province has planned for Highway 75.

One of the problem areas has been the Morris River bridge, which is often inundated by flood water.

Lance Vigfusson is the Assistant Deputy Minister for Infrastructure and Transportation.

Vigfusson says that bridge needs to be raised significantly.

He adds, "Whatever we do at the north end of Morris, a new bridge will be needed. The question is do you build it on the existing location with all the constraints around it such as the cemetery, and the dike, or should we look at moving the Morris River north and building the bridge further north."

Vigfusson says a hydrology study is underway, and will be key to determining how they proceed on the bridge issue, and on raising Highway 75 between St. Jean and Aubigny.

He says the highway needs to be raised about 3 or 4 feet between those two communities to keep it dry during a 2009 size flood, but they need to know how that will impact local landowners.

The hydrology study will take at least a year to complete.

Vigfusson says they're a few years away from starting any construction.

~ Wednesday, May 5th 2010 ~