The Morris Splash Park Project unfortunately did not receive an Aviva Community Fund Grant this year, though the project did do well in competition receiving thousands of votes. The remaining $30,000 needed to complete the project will have to come from another source.

"We have received amazing community support since the beginning of the project, no we did not get the Aviva Community Grant, but we did have several other businesses step up and donate towards the project," said Melanie Friesen former Rec Director spearheading the project.

The total cost of the new splash park is estimated at $216,000. With less than $30,000 left to go, the group has raised over two-thirds of the money needed in less than a year. The project received a Community Places Grant last year, with the stipulation the project must be completed by the fall of 2018 if the community would like to keep the grant.

"This will not be just any splash pad, it will be one like no other," said Friesen. The plan is to connect the park to the Manitoba Stampede, the only pro rodeo in the province that takes place in the Town of Morris annually.

"We have barrels, a lasso, and even a horse," said Friesen.

"We have our winter carnival on January 21st at the Morris Multi-Plex where we will fundraise for the project through 50/50 at the broom ball tournament, and Tim Hortons will come out with their coffee truck also accepting donations for the splash park," noted Area Rec Director Angela Wiebe.

Wiebe also mentioned The Morris Splash Park will be located next to the local pool, and construction is scheduled to begin this spring.