All grades at Carman Elementary School will be moving to a balanced school day for the 2009-10 school year.


Prairie Rose School Division has approved the change on a one year trial basis.

A balanced school day replaces the traditional one hour lunch break and two recesses with three instructional periods about 100 minutes in length, separated by two forty to sixty minute nutritional activity breaks.

Superintendent Fred Colvin says through the administration's school planning process, they investigated the model which is being used in other school divisions.

Interlake School Division has implemented a balanced school day successfully at the kindergarten to grade 8 level.

Colvin notes the length of the school day remains the same, and school will start and end at the same time.

The change will be reviewed at the end of the year, and Colvin says the implementation of a balanced school day on a more permanent basis or in other schools is at least a year away.


~ Wednesday, August 19th 2009 ~