Investments continue to be made at Friesens Corporation, as the Altona-based book manufacturer looks to extend its leadership in the field. The latest injection involves two new industrial-scale digital presses - the first of which was installed this week at its printing facility in southern Manitoba.

In fact, the company says the oversized B1 (30-inch) duplex, roll-to-roll HP Indigo 50000 Digital Press is the first in its class to be installed in Canada.

According to a company-issued statement, these recent additions will re-enforce Friesens as the country's largest printer of hardcover books with a more flexible, cost-efficient production platform, as it shifts more capacity to digital production.

“The HP Indigo 50000 solution will enable us to further leverage variable printing to drive a leaner book production process, saving on multiple finishing steps for roll-to-sewn book blocks compared with the offset process,” said Chad Friesen, CEO of Friesens Corporation. “This is an important part of a larger automation initiative that will continue offering market-leading solutions to our customers, while responding to margin compression, and overcoming labour shortages.” 

Additionally, Friesens Corp., which has owned HP Indigo digital presses since 2011, selected the HP Indigo 50000 solution for its wider format, higher capacity, automation, and ability to more cost effectively print shorter run books compared with offset, saving on paper waste, time and production costs through a roll-to-book-block solution. 

“The quality and productivity of the HP Indigo 50000, combined with the format size and unique imposition capabilities, will enable us to transfer more of our offset production to digital production,” said Byron Loeppky, Senior Vice President of Books.

The company says the new digital platform offers savings both in production time and costs. In particular, Friesens will take advantage of the HP Indigo 50000 frame to gang multiple jobs. 

“Congratulations to Friesens on choosing the HP Indigo 50000 Digital Press as the platform to grow print business into the future with high automation and flexibility” said Haim Levit, HP Indigo Americas vice president. “The HP Indigo 50000 is a game-changer and the perfect solution for printers aiming to improve sustainability with less waste and boost profitability with lower costs.”

The 29.3 x 44 inch  (746 x 1120 mm ) image size enables ultimate flexibility in imposition efficiency to print virtually any book or photo book, including yearbooks, lay-flat books, long book covers, and calendars. High productivity enables print service providers to deliver during high peak-season production.

The second HP Indigo 50000 press is scheduled to be installed at Friesens' Altona-based printing facility in 2020.