A line looping project is expected to improve water pressure in the village of Blumenort. In particular, during times of peak demand, explained Municipality of Rhineland Reeve, Don Wiebe.

"The pressure in Blumenort drops really, really low. People complain about that when their showers are going and the water just isn't coming fast enough," said Wiebe. There is also an element of health and safety to low water pressure scenarios. "You want to be about 20 psi to avoid any kind of discussion about boil water advisories and that kind of stuff."

So, what is line looping?

Essentially, it will take water from the secondary, higher capacity line and push it into the Blumenort line, explained Wiebe. 

But won't this affect water pressure on that other line?

"No. We checked that out. It shouldn't create losses there," added Wiebe. 

The Manitoba Water Services Board has agreed to provide two-thirds of the $150,000 required to do the work. The Municipality will foot the remaining third through the Rural Strategic Infrastructure Funding program.