Worldwide violin sensation Rosemary Siemens, together with her husband, prolific saxophone player Eli Bennett, have combined their gifts to create a new musical expression.

SaxAndViolin pairs their passions for a fresh take on classic love songs like 'I Will Always Love You' and 'Can't Help Falling In Love' among new hits like Ed Sheeran's 'Perfect'. Siemens explains the songs were hand-picked from the tracks that have been the soundtrack of their own courtship and marriage.

Bennett notes 'Can't Help Falling In Love' was the song he played in their now-viral proposal. He adds they've also included some of their wedding photos with the album, "it's been special to release some of those photos for the first time... you get our love story through music, and our love story through photos."

Together, they've toured the world and performed everywhere from hospitals and stranded travellers at airports to the Vatican and for two U.S Presidents.

Can’t Help Falling In Love (Instrumental Love Songs), Vol. 1 by SaxAndViolin releases just in time for Valentine's Day.