The Season 2 finale of UnCut Angling’s web series 39 Hours will hit YouTube tonight, and the brain child of Aaron Wiebe and Altona’s Jay Siemens has attracted nearly three-quarters of a million views since debuting in January.

Season Two comes four years after the first season went online, and follows a similar format of multiple teams fishing in different spots across the country, each trying to catch the big one of as many different species as possible in 39 Hours.

Jay describes it as part fishing show and part reality show, and has found both die-hard fishing fans, and those new to the sport, have fell in love with the series.



Jay also spoke with Drive Home Host Tim Friesen about tonight's (February 19th's) Live event happening at the Park Theatre in Winnipeg to celebrate the season finale.



And if you didn’t catch it... the competitors, other than Jay whose production company puts together the show, don’t know which is the winning team. They will be finding out live, tonight, in front of all those people watching along with them!

Thank you for chatting with us, and we can't wait to hear about those Season 3 plans you alluded to.