Children's Camps International (CCI) is closing in on 300 combines lined up in a field south of Winkler this morning, setting the stage for today's record-breaking attempt.

The latest estimates put the number of registered combines at just over organizers' goal of 300, and well above the previous Guinness Book of World Record's 244 combines simultaneously harvesting on the same field for five or more consecutive minutes.

However, it's not just bragging rights; each combine represents thousands of kids who will be able to attend camp in the developing world through CCI's camping ministry, an organization headquartered in Winkler, but with partners around the world. The hope is today's event will raise enough money to send one million kids to camp.

for Kids countdown show LIVE on CFAM Radio 950 beginning at 1:45 p.m with Morning Show Co-Hosts Chris Sumner and Jayme Giesbrecht. You can also watch the live stream here:


A portion of PTH 32 is closed today during the event