13 homes in the southwest area of the RM of Stanley, also known as the one-six and two-six areas of the municipality, will soon be hooked up to potable water.

This spring, Stanley approved an expansion of its Massey water system and has now awarded the tender for the project.

Currently, water to most of the area is supplied through wells.

Dig All Construction has been awarded the tender at a cost of $752,151.

The RM will borrow roughly $300,000 for the project, a Manitoba Water Services Board grant will cover $250,000, and $39,000 will come from the Federal Gas Tax Fund.

The minimum connection fee for residents is $12,500 each. The price will increase where there is a driveway over 90 meters long.

Work on the project is slated to begin this summer, with completion set for early fall.

Related article: Stanley Approves 11 Projects, Massey Water System Expansion