For the first time ever Cancer Care Manitoba is bringing awareness to the rural community on how important it is to get regular Pap Smears.


Earlier this week, the C.W. Wiebe Medical Center in Winkler invited any woman, who had not recently had the exam, to come in and take the test.

Dr. Hesom says women who are pregnant come in for regular exams, but often disappear after.

She says they are targeting these women, urging them to come back for regular appointments,  as well as anyone who has recently become sexually active.

Hesom says women should have 1 exam every year for three years, after that they would like to see you every two years.

She adds that in Manitoba eight women a year die from cancer of the cervix.

Hesom says if they detect premalignant cells early enough they can prevent them from becoming cancerous.

Hesom says 57 women followed up on their invitation to take the test.