Town of Carman council is trying something new with a seasonal job position this year.

An experienced individual, group, or organization is being sought out to help beautify the town.

Councillor Jane Swanton said the main focus will be on the downtown area.

"Because last year we had so much going on in town with regards to the highway going through, and removal of the trees downtown," Swanton explained.

The responsibilities include the planting and care of all flowers, trees, and shrubs on public property. It also includes the general care and cleanup of public property and any other tasks associated with community beautification.

In the past this type of town maintenance fell under a student summer position, but this year it will be a separate position due to the larger scope of the work.

"Students are wonderful, they do a fabulous job, but we just thought that this year perhaps if we had an adult involved with that, it may be a good thing," said Swanton. "This may even turn out to be students who get together and decide that they're going apply for the position."

Swanton noted they've already received some applications and are looking through them.

"We're hoping that this will stir up a little bit of enthusiasm with regards to the downtown area and beautification of the whole town."