Jeff French, Fire Chief for the Emerson Fire Department, was happy to accept a $10,000 grant from Enbridge on Thursday.

The money will be used for their emergency lighting project, said French.

"We have too many trucks that need lighting upgrades, they're not very visible, and as emergency services evolve, so have the lighting on the trucks," he said.

French noted the lighting will make emergency calls safer for the fire truck drivers as well as motorists.

The department always applies for the safe communities grant, and French added they've been quite successful. In the past they've used the money for Jaws of Life and extrication tools, the gator and tracks for off-road equipment.

"They're very very good to the community along their whole corridor," said French in regards to Enbridge.

Currently, the Emerson Fire Department has 21 rural firefighters in Emerson and about the same in Dominion City.

"It's been pretty quiet there for the last few weeks which is nice, the way we like it," French added.