The Morden Police Service is providing residents an opportunity to share their opinion about how the department is doing at keeping Morden safe and secure with a specialized survey.

As of March 1, the survey will be available online and at many public buildings in Morden: Morden Civic Centre, Access Event Centre, Morden Police station, and the Planning and Development Office.

Questions in the police survey will be more in-depth and focused than those asked in the more general Consumer Satisfaction Survey which the City of Morden publishes every year.

"We want to know what the citizens of Morden feel the priorities should be for the Morden Police Service," said Rich Harries, chair of Morden Police Board.

The survey will help the department understand, not only how safe Morden residents feel, but also how their interactions with officers have been. Harries said the survey will essentially ask people, "Are we doing the job they feel we need to?"

Recent Canada census data shows Morden has 8,668 citizens and Harries would like to see at least 10 percent of the population participate in the survey.

"The more the better," Harries said.