Gateway Resources in Winkler held their annual Open House and Bake Sale this past Friday.

Aside from touring the facility, visitors saw firsthand the new improvements and renovations to existing areas and programs throughout the building.

Gateway CEO, Kim Nelson says they've made some drastic changes to what used to be the packaging room.

"There's been new flooring, updated lighting, new windows, and space has just enabled our programs to grow," Nelson says. "We are supporting people that have higher needs, or that have walkers or wheelchairs, and they just need the space to have access to all of our programs."

Along with the renovations, Nelson says she wants also people to know that Gateway has not only grown but evolved over the past years.

"I want people to realize that while we do recycle, which is a huge part of our program, it's not the only part. The crates we build, the pallets that are ordered, the community job development opportunities that we have, and everyday work training that goes on is huge and a true benefit to everyone."

With over 30 years of annual open houses, Nelson says she looks forward to much more and is excited to give people an opportunity to see what Gateway does and how they benefit the community.