Councillors for the Town of Morris are mourning the loss of one of their own. After facing health concerns for some time, Bruce Third passed away earlier in the week. Third served on Town Council for twenty-one years, eight of those joined by Mayor Gavin van

Long-serving Town of Morris councillor, Bruce Third, passed away earlier this week. Submitted photos. der Linde.

"He's going to be greatly missed on Council. His input has been invaluable," he said.

van der Linde noted the thing he enjoyed most about working with Third was that he brought a lot of history to the job.

"He could remember things from meetings from long ago...whenever we were going away from what we agreed to in the past he would always remind us of where we were and I appreciated it so much."

Third is also being remembered for his dedication to his community, despite his health concerns.

van der Linde said there were many times when Council would conference call or Skype with Third from his hospital bed when he wasn't doing well, sacrificing his personal time to remain committed to the regular meetings.

"We need people like Bruce, as a good example, who've been committed for many years to work on behalf of his community to see it improve."

van der Linde is extending his deepest condolences to Third's family and all those who are impacted by his passing.

A memorial service for Bruce Third will be held Friday at 3pm at the Morris Fellowship Chapel.