In the spirit and passion of Dr. Bob Menzies, Agassiz Medical Centre staff has launched a creative new fundraiser.

The staff will push a modified old Morden Hospital ER bed during the Morden Corn and Apple parade, carrying bedpans and asking for donations in support of the cancer care unit at Boundary Trails Health Centre.

Dr. Menzies spent his career working with the cancer care unit, says nurse practitioner Brent Gouthro; the dedication Dr. Menzies gave to the centre inspired the group to create this fundraiser.

"For many people, Dr. Bob was a doctor in our community for many, many years and dedicated his life to serving the community. (He) was a cancer care physician and unfortunately later in life was a patient of cancer care," Gouthro explains.

After Dr. Menzies passed away in 2017, it affected many in Morden and surrounding communities. Gouthro says many of his patients say they still miss him.

However, patients weren't the only ones affected by Dr. Menzies' passing, health care workers were as well.

"I had the privilege of working with Bob for many, many years," says Gouthro. "He became a teacher, a mentor kind of a just guided a lot of people's career from physicians to nurses to health care workers generally. He was just a community-minded person who helped this medical community and just patients in general."

The parade isn't the only place to see the bed, on September 22 or 29 plans are tentatively in place to push the bed from the Agassiz Medical Centre in Morden to the Boundary Trails Health Centre collecting donations along the route.

Gouthro notes the road they're travelling will be one that Dr. Menzies travelled many times serving the community.

People can make the 'tin ring' at the clinic over the month in the waiting room where the bed and bedpans will be set up before their long journey.