While schools remain closed in the province, officials explain day camps can likely run this summer.

Manitoba's Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Brent Roussin explains it's more difficult to limit capacity in schools, whereas camps can more easily operate under the current restrictions.

"We wanted to have some outlet for these day camps, a lot of this is going to be outdoors which also protects against transmission. That's the rationale and logistics of returning hundreds of thousands of kids to school in a short period of time versus someone operating a day camp."

While it's difficult to predict where we'll be in September, Roussin explains mass gatherings, especially indoors, currently present a challenge.

"This is where we've seen what we call 'super-spreader' events, at weddings, church, funerals, even indoor restaurants," he says, whereas passing someone outside or casually walking by someone in a retail outlet is very unlikely to transmit the virus.

"But these large, prolonged, indoor gatherings, that's where we've seen these super-spreader events... that's where we'll be very cautious," Roussin adds.

It's the reason they've maintained the maximum 10-person gathering restriction, but he says they'll look at expanding that order in the future.

"It's tough to know where we'll be months from now... but we'll only leave these restrictions up as long as they're needed to protect the health of Manitobans," Roussin says. "As soon as we get an indication we can ease again, we're going to do so."