A generous donation of ground beef has spurred the Pembina Valley Pregnancy Care Centre $2,500 closer to their $90,000 Captial Project goal.

The Beef for the Build Raffle saw winners take home prizes ranging from 15 to 90 pounds of grass-fed, inspected ground beef. The money raised will support the renovations at the new PVPCC Winkler offices in Main Plaza on Main St., as well as relocating and renovating their new space in Morden. Both locations are larger and allow the centre to expand programming.

"Relocating to a larger space in Morden is absolutely necessary and it needs to happen as soon as possible, Executive Director Linda Marek says. "We have had increasing client numbers, more people reaching out for help, so now is the time to move forward,"

So far, PVPCC has raised over $20,000 for the on-going project.

"It is an exciting time, a lot of change for us this year. We did not plan on two relocations so close together, but with providing supports in both Winkler and Morden we needed to make decisions as opportunities presented," Marek says. "We believe these expansion projects are crucial for meeting the needs of our community, as well as allowing for future growth."

She notes they continue to receive new clients in need of pregnancy tests, help with parenting, or looking for healing from the past.

"It's important that we have the right spaces to provide these necessary supports in the community."