Strategic planning for 2019 has begun in the Municipality of Rhineland. Officials have selected 5 priorities for the coming year. They are internet/cell phone service, infrastructure, water, economic development, and protective services.

These themes are the result of a two-day planning session among municipal officials, and a public consultation held earlier in December. In fact, many of these points were discussed at the public meeting.

"It depends how you look at it, but I think it re-enforces and gives Council some support in the things we want to do," said Reeve Don Wiebe.

"We think it's important to take a bit of time periodically and get a pulse and a sense of where are people at? What's important to them?," he added.

Seven questions were presented at the public meeting, however Wiebe says there was so much discussion they didn't get through the entire list in the hour-and-a-half that was set aside. "Engagement was keen."

Wiebe notes officials will now finalize strategies that will help accomplish these priorities set out in the 2019 strategic plan.