Repeated heavy snowfall events this winter have led to area ditches essentially being filled to capacity heading into the spring thaw.

Don Wiebe, reeve for the Municipality of Rhineland, however, isn't worried yet about the ability of the local trenches to handle the eventual snowmelt and run-off.

"We do know, depending on the nature of the thaw, the water table is very low so the soil can absorb a lot of water. So if it has any chance of soaking into the ground then that's a big plus," he said.

In addition, municipal crews will begin cleaning out the blown-in ditches around mid-March in order to accommodate any extra moisture.

"There's a pattern by now so there are key areas where we send our equipment in and clean (the ditches), and then we'll make an assessment as the spring moves forward," explained Wiebe.

He noted there's no point in clearing the ditches sooner, explaining that any extra snowfall or high wind would just close them back up again.

Meantime, municipal officials from across the region will be briefed on any areas of concern at a flood seminar hosted by the province next week.