Rhineland Municipality is spearheading a proposal to provide a low pressure sewer system that would service an area known as Plum Coulee east.

That area does not have any sewer service and many septic fields are failing.

Reeve Don Wiebe said the project has been talked about for several years, but it now appears local taxpayers want to see some action on this front.

"This has been in the works for a long, long time and we were encouraged by local taxpayers that we should consider this project," said Wiebe.

A public hearing last week in the community received full support from local citizens who attended. The proposal will now be sent to the Public Utilities Board for its approval so that it can then go to tender.

In the meantime, some preliminary work on the project will move ahead in an effort to gather more details on what is required for the project in preparation for the tendering process.

The scope of the project would involve a total of 25 sewer connections and will cost an estimated $450,000, according to Wiebe.

"I want to be a little careful with that number because it's an estimate only. What we have presented as an overall cost is an outside number and we'll have a closer idea of what the real cost is once we have finished some of this preliminary work."