Several signs can be seen down 3rd Ave SE in Altona, asking trespassers to "keep out".

Altona police Chief Perry Batchelor said a provincial law outlines the rules the Town of Altona follows when it comes to trespassers.

"In Manitoba we have what's called the Petty Trespasses Act, there are a few things that people can do if they have other neighbours and folks crossing through their yards," said Batchelor.

He added some people may confuse a well-beaten or commonly used path as public property.

"First of all, your yard is private property, so it's not a right of way," said Batchelor. "The issue comes up where people might say, 'I didn't know I was on private property.'"

Batchelor said talking to the trespassers is one option, and if the conversation becomes a heated, to call the local police department or 911.

"We hope things can be resolved without that really extreme measure being taken," he added.

Another option is to post a sign on your property, which some residents have done.

"Post it, make sure people are aware that it is your private property and you don't appreciate them crossing through your yard, through signage or by verbally telling them."

Batchelor noted there is a fine associated with trespassing as well.

"The Act itself carries a fine of up to $5,000, it actually is fairly stiff and obviously it's there to protect people and their private property," he said.

For more specific information on this Act, visit the Petty Trespasses Act website.