A video game about sorting waste was released by the City of Morden on Monday.

Sorting 4 The Future takes players through five levels where they have to match the type of waste with the correct waste bin: recycling, garbage, compost, etc. The game was custom-made for Morden, displaying all the options for waste removal Morden residents have in real life. The game was built by ReCollect, the same company who handles the city's trash pick-up reminder system.

"The purpose of it is to make a fun and engaging way to learn how to sort your trash," said Chaley Martens, marketing and communications coordinator for the City of Morden.

The game is meant for all ages. A reward system in the game allows the "construction" of a special addition to the player's city after every completed level. Players can even print a personalized certificate after the game is over.

"We have been extremely pleased with the way it turned out," said Martens. "We've have nothing but a positive response so far."

When Morden adopted the new three-cart system for waste removal, part of that decision required the city to educate people on how to properly use the different carts. Sorting 4 The Future was designed to reach people of all ages and learning styles.

ReCollect has created similar games for other communities in the past. Morden's version was specially made for the city, with unique attributes of the city built into the game: a reference to dinosaurs and roses can be found in the game.