Faith based camps in Manitoba are being forced to find alternative methods to fund some of their employment positions this summer.

Many of those camps rely on grant money from the Canada Summer Jobs program to help fund staffing positions during the summer months.

However, the federal government has made some changes which require all applicants to state their support for individual human rights, including abortion rights.

Dale Wiebe, Executive Director for Winkler Bible Camp, said whenever faith based organizations solicit funding from outside the faith community, there is always the possibility those donors will want some input when it comes to the goals and values of the organizations they're donating to.

"Anytime you are soliciting funds, at some point the donor may want to give direction in your goals and values. That becomes a challenge for religious organizations."

The new requirements that have been added to Canada Summer Jobs program will not impact Winkler Bible Camp since the organization does not seek funding from any level of government.

"We appreciate the government makes these kinds of grants available, but we have always felt that if we can do it without their help, then we will. So, the rule changes on this hasn't affected us."

The bible camp has instead relied on the generosity of the faith community for financial support, and according to Wiebe, that has worked out quite well.

"I think we run a good camp, we try to be out there with integrity and character in all that we do, all the time and we work hard to build trust. Based on that, we have many churches and individuals that support us and we're able to operate that way without going after any sort of formal grant. We're very thankful for that."

That's not to say that Winkler Bible Camp is not open to sources of support from outside the church constituency. However, Wiebe said communication is key in making certain things clear to all donors.

"When people come to me and want to support the bible camp in any significant way, I make it very clear what our core values are. And if they don't believe in our core values, I understand that and I respect that, and they get it and respect that. So, it's important to have a good conversation."