Winter is a long season in Southern Manitoba, and the CEO at the International Peace Garden (IPG) feels they could do a better job of attracting more visitors outside the summer months.

The Peace Garden, south of Boissevain, is usually known for its floral beauty and being a nice place to visit.

Tim Chapman took over as CEO earlier this year, and likes what he sees in the IPG this time of the year. “There’s an incredible opportunity for us to promote the Garden more as a recreational area with Lake Adam and Lake Metigoshe nearby. They’re all tapping into that, and we have pretty much the same land structure, so we want to start investing a little bit more in rentals whether its skis or snowshoes and I think that would help to attract people.”

Chapman calls it a whole different beauty in the winter, and says it is really nice to experience that season in the IPG.

“We have some snow, but not as much as you’d want. I know they are planning to hold a provincial ski trials on December 22-23, so it would be nice if we got a couple of snowfalls before then to help them and their event out.”