On June 15, 2024, the community in Morden came together to celebrate the 126th Philippine Independence Day in a vibrant and festive way. This year's theme was a Street Festival, which took place at Morden's Suncatch, transforming the venue into a hub of Filipino culture and tradition.

"Everybody's welcome to join here... it's everything that we envisioned it to be, it's like how you would feel when you walk into the streets in Manila, and it's always loud, there's always music, there's always someone fixing something, and there's always someone dancing," said Jewel White, Co-Organizer of the celebration.

The event displayed the culinary heritage of the Philippines. Multiple traditional Filipino street food vendors offered a delicious variety of dishes, and attendees were treated to an authentic taste of Filipino cuisine.

"The Pembina Valley is a very important area of Manitoba. It is one of the strongest economic engines for our province, and it is folks like you who are here to contribute to our economy and to contribute to our community that is making not only this region strong, but our whole province strong," said Malaya Marcelino, MLA for Notre Dame and Minister of Labour and Immigration. 

Multiple types of shows and activities kept everyone entertained throughout the afternoon and evening. The fashion show highlighted the elegance of traditional Filipino attire. Stunning traditional dance performances fascinated the audience, showcasing the beauty and grace of Philippine culture. 

"In a cultural sense, being here in Canada you're kind of getting a lot of different cultures. In a way, this is just representation and a sense of community here for us in Canada," said Rysa Limbaga who attended the celebration.

Traditional games played by attendees of all ages brought laughter to the festive atmosphere. One unique feature of the celebration was the setup of a sari store, similar to the small variety stores found in villages across the Philippines, allowing visitors to experience a taste of Filipino community life.

"This is my first time at the celebration here in Morden... I like it, other people here are very friendly and very hospitable... I feel like I'm in the Philippines," said Woody Palunday who attended the event.

Despite careful planning and eager anticipation, the evening events were rushed as rain started to fall. Despite the setback, participants remained hopeful for sunnier celebrations in the future.

Overall, the 126th Philippine Independence Day Celebration in Morden was a success, bringing together members of the Filipino community and local residents to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and lively spirit of the Philippines.