The new Tabor Home and Manitou Opera House were the beneficiaries of a pair of donations from Access Credit Union (ACU) Monday. ACU is committed to donating $250,000 over five years to the Tabor Home project, and will be donating $50,000 over two years toward the Manitou Opera House Accessibility Project.

"We are glad to be able to do it. It fits with the cooperative principals upon which the Credit Unions are founded," said ACU chair Darryl Loewen. "to be involved in, investing in, and supporting community projects. It's like projects we've done in other Access communities we've done in the last few years. It's an important piece of community infrastructure. It needs the whole community to be a part of it."

According to Loewen they were also very excited to be able to contribute to the Manitou Opera House Accessibility Project, which means a lot to not only the community, but surrounding region.

"We love the project for its importance in this access footprint," noted Loewen. "We are also know this facility draws events from all over southern Manitoba, the City of Winnipeg and beyond. We just know how great it is. The feature of the project being an accessibility piece for patrons, seems like a really good fit (for us)."

Back Row L:R - Dan McCausland, Regional Manager for the Access Credit Union West, Shane Norrie, Access Credit Union, Manitou Branch Manager, Walter Mueller, Foundation Committee Member, Garry Young Foundation Committee Member. Front Row L:R - Sheralee Forsyth, Access Credit Union, Manitou Member Services Supervisor, Darryl Loewen, Chair of the Board of Directors, Access Credit Union, Al Thorleifson, Project Manager, Manitou Opera House Accessibility Project, Lindy Sharpe, Treasurer, Manitou Opera House Foundation, Thor Thorleifson, Chair, Manitou Opera House Foundation.