$3,419. That's how much a fund-raising concert hosted by the Altona Elks and Altona Hotel generated for the new Kiddie Sunshine Centre project earlier this month. 

The evening, held June 3rd at the Altona Hotel, featured entertainment by the local band, The Pylons. 

"Basically, The Pylons, they approached the Elks, and said we understand you're raising money for the Kiddie Sunshine Center through our Chase the Ace, and they said, we will give you our time and our talent free," explained Altona Elks member Guy Mullen in an earlier interview with PembinaValleyOnline. "We thought wonderful! We will put on a social to raise funds for the Kiddie Sunshine Centre."

Mullen noted the Elks then approached the Chamber to engage with the business community regarding prizing support, and that's how the connection was made with the Altona Hotel and how its owners offered up the venue at no cost for the event.

"The Chamber got behind us 100%, and the Altona business community stepped up, just unbelievable," said Mullen. As a result, a number of businesses donated silent auction prizes, with all of them valued between $200 and $300, or more.

"We are so lucky we live in such a wonderful community, because Altona is full of caring, supportive people," he added. "I would like to give a big thank you to The Pylons. They were the catalysts. The Altona Elks are the workers and the organizers. The Altona Motor Hotel, their generosity is off the Richter scale, and the Chamber of Commerce, they supported us 100%. And let's not forget the Kiddie Sunshine Centre."

A cheque for the amount raised was presented to the daycare on Tuesday.

Written with files from Chris Sumner