Altona Police Service has recruited two new members. 

Xerxes Tabunar (a resident of Altona since 2008) and Brent Krahn (born and raised in town) were sworn in on Tuesday morning and look forward to serving the community.


Attorney Adam Mace and Xerxes Tabunar Attorney Adam Mace and Xerxes Tabunar

After a total of four applicants were interviewed for two available positions.

"It was very close," said Police Chief Dan Defer. "It took a night of debating back and forth which two would be offered the job. All four actually have ties to Altona. What stood out between these ones? There was some of the community service that they were involved in and education that they brought to the application process."


Attorney Adam Mace and Brent Krahn Attorney Adam Mace and Brent Krahn

Defer says they find that applicants who actually come from Altona generally tend to stay here. 

"They don't seek employment back in their home communities after training, looking at, you know, grass is always greener in another community. This is their home, this is where they want to be, this is where their roots are. That was a focus in this application [process]. Like I say, all four had roots in Altona. It was a hard choice between the four and ultimately these two were the ones that were selected."

Training for the pair will begin at home said Defer.

"They're here for 2 weeks. They'll go through some of our local stuff that they need to understand. Then it’s off to University of Regina to the Saskatchewan Police College where they start their training on July 22nd. Graduation is December 13th and then they will be back here for their field training portion. Once that's completed, they will be on the road and on the shift serving Altona."