By the end of the day Thursday, driving down 14th Ave. NW in Altona should be a much different experience, according to the Town's Public Works Manager, Clint Derksen. A crew has spent the last few days repairing the many large potholes on the road and filling them with hot asphalt mix.

Turns out, a second layer of chip seal applied to the former gravel road surface last year didn't hold up as hoped, and Derksen says the large breaks and potholes returned with a vengeance this spring. 

PembinaValleyOnline asked Derksen if there are any considerations to make that westerly section of 14th Ave. a concrete road, just like the eastern half. 

"It's on the long-term project goal," he said. "If this doesn't work and it isn't cost prohibitive, unfortunately, we may need to go back to gravel and just keep a closer eye on dust control than we did previously (until the money is there to pour concrete)."

Derksen is hopeful this latest repair effort will stick.

Voids on the roadway being filled with a hot asphalt mixVoids on the roadway being filled with a hot asphalt mix