A picture taken of the aftermath of a storm that dumped up to 6.5 inches of rain on Emerson May 29th. Many of the town's homes experienced basement flooding. 


Up to $15 million will be made available for a disaster financial assistance program for areas affected by major storms that caused extensive damage around the province this spring and summer.

This new DFA program encompasses six storms that caused significant damage to a number of areas and municipalities including:

- Spring flooding, which caused significant damage in the RMs of Morris, Montcalm and Franklin as well as the town of Emerson.


Another image of heavy rainfall flooding streets in Emerson


- Overland flooding, resulting in reports of significant public-sector damages May 28 and 29 in the Red River Valley including the city of Winnipeg, the southern Interlake and Westman.  Manitoba EMO has already received more than 500 private-sector applications for assistance.

- Heavy rains June 17 to 18 in western Manitoba near the Saskatchewan border, resulting in reports of significant public-sector damages, and flooding of more than 100 homes in Killarney and the RM of Rosedale.

- Severe thunderstorms, hail and heavy rain, which hit parts of the province June 26 with Steinbach, Hanover and La Broquerie reporting winds reaching 90 km/h.

DFA is generally available for evacuation costs, costs to prevent or limit imminent damage and for non-insurable damage to basic and essential property such as principal residences, buildings and other non-insurable losses essential to the operation of eligible farms and small businesses.

Application forms and further details about DFA are available online at the Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization website, or by calling 1 888 267 8298.  Applications are also available at most municipal offices.

~ Tuesday, July 20 2010 ~