Final enrolment numbers are in for Garden Valley School Division, and it will continue to be one of the fastest growing in the province.


Superintendent Vern Reimer says the final figure for 2009 is 4,232 students, up about 163 from last year.

They had estimated a final figure of approximately 4,300.

Reimer hasn't had a chance to look at the final numbers for every division in the province, but based on conversations with other superintendents, he understands many fast growing divisions either stabilized or saw a small amount of growth this year.

He notes it's significant to see an increase of 163 students in the midst of an economic downturn.

Reimer stresses the division's enrolment over estimation will not impact programming.

He adds when being out only 70 students in a division of more than 4,000, that's pretty close.

~ Tuesday, October 13th 2009 ~